Some Interesting Things to Expect When Transitioning to Clean Beauty

At Pura Botanicals we take pride in being part of the green beauty movement. Our all-natural skincare, body care, baby care potions, and botanical fragrances contain plant and flower-derived essences, organic and wild-harvested ingredients. When you use a PURA potion, you can feel confident knowing that it is earth-friendly, nutrient-rich, non-toxic, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. If you are new to clean beauty, there are a few things you might need to know...
There are a couple sensorial aspects of natural skincare that will likely be different, when you compare them to conventional skincare. The first key difference you will notice is the fragrance. In many conventional skincare and beauty products the scent can simply be listed as 'fragrance' or 'flavour', without going into further detail about which ingredients go into that fragrance formula. According to Canadian Government labelling guidelines, the term 'parfum' must be inserted at the beginning or end of the ingredient list, depending on its predominance in the formula. In lieu of the term 'parfum', the product must list each individual fragrance ingredient. In some cases a brand does not need to disclose on the ingredient list the components of their fragrance, if it is considered a trade secret or proprietary information.
In PURA's botanical formulas, we use NAHA (National Association For Holistic Aromatherapy) and VEGECERT certified botanical extracts and pure essential oils. These extracts and essential oils have been chosen for their skincare benefits and as a bonus, they act as natural fragrance within our formulas.
The second key difference between natural and conventional skincare is colour. No two things in nature are exact replicas of each other, this same principle can be applied to the natural ingredients used in PURA's formulas. There are many factors that can impact the growth, development, and colour of a natural ingredient. For example, the calendula oil used in PURA's Ambrosia Beautifying Serum can sometimes appear sunflower yellow, or it can have more of a green hue to it. A change in growth conditions, the time of harvest, or where a crop has been planted, can alter something as simple as the colour of the oil extracted from it.
These small superficial differences between natural & conventional skincare are just that...small and superficial. If the colour or texture of one of your potions changes slightly between purchases, there is no need to stress or worry. Each potion is handcrafted in micro-batches in our own in-house lab and creative headquarters in Edmonton - we spend time with each potion throughout the entire process. Our team's passion & dedication for Pura Botanicals and the potions we create has given us the ability and freedom to be transparent with our dedicated clients; because what you put on your skin matters, and it matters to us.
"PURA really started, because I felt so passionate about making my own beauty care products that I could trust. To do the research and learn about these exquisite, natural ingredients from all over the world is fascinating and rewarding work. It would be my life-long mission to protect women's health by educating about and innovating safe, non-toxic, & results driven skincare." - Lane