The Story Behind Our Name: PURA BOTANICALS

If you have visited our apothecary and perfumery on 124th Street in Edmonton, AB, you may have noticed a cityscape painting on our wall. At first glance, this piece of art may come across as simply a piece of décor, but to us, it is much, much more. Let us share why...
Lets go back a few years to a time when Pura Botanicals was just a seed planted in our founder, Lane Edward’s, mind. While Lane was completing her yoga instructor training in Costa Rica she was introduced to the mantra Pura Vida, which means The Pure Life. This way of living deeply resonated with Lane, and when it came time to choose a name for her brand she pulled inspiration from the saying. She loved that at its core, it embodied the essence of her natural, non-toxic, green beauty vision for creating PURA.
This painting by Fabrice de Villeneuve, a french impressionist and realist artist, from Lille, France is what we consider to be a visual representation of Pura Botanicals as a city. This image of the PURA city is rooted in the Sanskrit word Manipura, which translates to “city of jewels” and is thought to be the center of well-being from where we breathe in life from the universe. The PURA city may be thought to be white and iridescent yellow as that is the colour associated with Manipura, revealing the love of gold and white behind our label and dreamy aesthetic.
Photo credit (above image): Marielle Elizabeth
The second part of our name, Botanicals, was thought to exemplify the organic core of our product and serve as a reminder to appreciate the wild harvested plants, oils, and extracts used to create our high performance, natural potions. Pura Botanicals is a sanctuary for our customers where they can indulge and enhance their self-care ritual through education and the sensory experience.
And there you have it, the story of how a dream, traveling the exotic Costa Rican coast, and an ancient Sanskrit word have collided to create the name, Pura Botanicals.
Photography: Emily Schutz